Drug overdose is the leading cause of accidental death in the US.
Opioid addiction is driving this epidemic and has increased by over 430% in the past seven years.
Things must change and we must change them TOGETHER.
Join a collaboration to speak with one voice and help to make the changes we need to reduce addiction in America.
Join The Recovery Army!
Capturing Recovery Stories of Hope
Zach Williams. Grammy Award, Dove Award Winner, Zach Williams sits down with us to tell of his incredible journey to a life of purpose, giving inspiration and hope to all of us through his amazing music.
Anthony Broaddus. One of the most amazing stories of transformation, Anthony now helps so many people find their freedom from addiction just like he did. Powerful and Inspiring, shocking and hard to believe – but he persevered. This is one of the best stories we’ve ever captured and we hope it will inspire millions!!!
Tim Ryan. On the Road to Recovery with Tim Ryan – the full story; the incredible havoc that turned into the inspirational hope and advocacy of “The DOPE MAN”! From “Dope to Hope”!!
Crystal Vallee. One of the most integral parts of our team is Crystal Vallee. A cautionary tale like none other but a redemption story that inspires young people all over America. She is passionate about showing young people their Worth. It’s the key to their growth and she delivers it with engaging power!
Rhonda Rush. REDEMPTION! We use that word so casually, but the meaning behind it is incredibly deep. Rhonda Rush not only exhibits a true story of redemption, but uses her story and her life as a guide for others. A Beautiful Story from a Beautiful Person – inside and out!!!
Tim Ryan. On the Road to Recovery with Tim Ryan – the full story; the incredible havoc that turned into the inspirational hope and advocacy of “The DOPE MAN”! From “Dope to Hope”!! To book Tim Ryan at your school or event, call 856-691-6676
Blu Nyle. The Recovery Army was recently in L.A. and had the chance to sit down with one of the most beautiful Souls you will ever meet. My good friend Blu Nyle shared her truth, her story and most importantly, her amazing HOPE! This is one you will NEVER Forget!
Shelby Vidmar. Recovery Army recently traveled to the great state of Illinois and met an incredible, young, passionate woman fighting for people with mental health and substance use disorders. She has dedicated her life to the service of others and we are so honored to share her story.
Justin Shinn. SO proud and SO grateful to have this opportunity to share the awesome Recovery story of one of the coolest guys I know. Gifted musician, singer, songwriter and incredible story teller, Justin Shinn from the awesome Christian Band, “I Am They”.
Joe Mitsch. Recovery Army is proud to share another POWERFUL Story with one of the most ethical and honest people I know. “On the Road to Recovery” with my good friend, Joe Mitsch who is an inspiration to me, and I KNOW he is controversial and absolutely NOT politically correct AT ALL, which is exactly why he’s so REAL!
James Sweasy. The infamous and always outspoken Recovery Advocate, Mr. James Sweasy of “James Sweasy Live”, this guy dedicates his Life to helping others find Their Journey to Recovery.
Dorothy Sword. Never before have I witnessed a more profound transformation. When filming our documentary, “Kids Are Dying”, I met a young girl on the streets of Camden lost in her addiction. Helping her to get out of that environment meant helping her start a new life. Sitting down with her a year later, Dorothy shows us how beautiful Recovery can be.
Shannon Houck.
Leigh Anne Bradburn. Every once in a while, a person enters your life that changes you forever, leaves you impacted, affects you for the rest of your life. Leigh Anne is such a person. Her story is not just a story of recovery and redemption. Her passion to use her story has become her purpose. She wants to show people the incredible Love and Mercy of God and how …
Nick Wahrer. An American Veteran Hero and a guy with a long-term knowledge of the 12-Step Fellowship, Nick is a guy with a ton of hope and a ton of inspiration for others!
Brad Dietrich. One of the most transnational stories I’ve ever heard, author of an addiction memoir, “Methancholy” and an inspiring new friend, Brad Dietrich truly has overcome tremendous obstacles to find his Road to Recovery.
Aaron Spaulding. We are so grateful to be able to share this Recovery Journey from our good friend Aaron Spaulding, a selfless advocate that is literally changing lives. He’s made such a transformation and is now showing others how to follow in those footsteps, all while impacting the lives of youth so they don’t ever travel that path. RECOVERY!!!!
Richie Supa Award-winning songwriter and musician, Richie Supa. Gifted musician with a talent for reaching people through his Recovery music, Richie inspires people to find their path.
Jason Otterbeck after recovery, exhibits a life beyond dreams.
Rich Walters. Crush the Epidemic is the Brainchild for this incredible young advocate. He is incredibly dedicated to making a difference in the lives of people who struggle… He’s been there and he has found an incredible life. Share this incredible story with everyone you know.!
Nick Morgan. Crush the Epidemic is the Brainchild for this incredible young advocate. He is incredibly dedicated to making a difference in the lives of people who struggle… He’s been there and he has found an incredible life. Share this incredible story with everyone you know.!
A.J. Morrow. The Recovery Army recently had the pleasure of visiting South Florida and we had the absolute privilege of meeting and interviewing AJ Morrow… showing how truly amazing Recovery can be as well as helping many other people find their path to Recovery!
Hannah Kirkpatrick. Recovery is such a universal thing although few realize just how universal. Addiction touches us all. Recovery empowers us all. Hannah is an atypical story of redemption yet in no way dissimilar from any other story – yet her story, and she – is Truly ONE OF A KIND!. Mrs. American 2021 and Top 6 at Mrs. World 2022, Real Estate mogul, Super Mother and Wife, a true gem in so many ways, her story inspires us all!!!
Jennifer Gimenez. One of the most compelling Recovery stories you will ever watch, an amazing woman, a Supermodel, a Hollywood “It” Girl, a woman that has overcome so very much to live a life that will inspire you! Jennifer Gimenez is simply amazing and her story serves as proof that We Do Recover!!!
Spencer T’eo . I am SO PROUD of this story. Thank you to my brother Spencer Te’o for your time and your dedication to spreading the Gospel through your music. God Bless Red Letter Hymnal!
Joe Turner. Recovery Army is PROUD to share the incredible story, the Recovery story of our good friend Joe Turner… a selfless champion of advocacy doing great things for many people. I’m so very proud to know him and share his story with the world.
Bob Forrest Part 1. Our first part of the Bob Forrest story is absolutely incredible and will truly introduce this amazing Thought Leader to millions more people involved and interested in this social issue. One of the most famous voices in Addiction and Recovery today.
Tony Dennison Gifted Actor, Dynamic Public Speaker and great friend, Tony Dennison shares his journey with us giving hope and inspiration to anyone and everyone who struggles with anything.
Steve Herndon, As a professional athlete and NFL Pro, Steve shares his incredible journey through his athletic years.
Darek Horan Visiting the Chicago suburbs, spending some time with friends, I had the honor to sit down and learn the unique, yet typical story of addiction and the profoundly impactful redemption story of Recovery or a dedicated and selfless leader.
Blake Cohen An advocate, a Rebel, a leader in the Recovery movement, Justin shows us all not only why Recovery is possible, but more importantly, why it should be more of a focus than addiction.
Joel Pomales. One of the hardest fighting advocates against addiction and promoting Recovery, Joel works tirelessly to inspire other people to do something. A great story, although seemingly typical, his Recovery story is anything but.
James Cain. An amazing and selfless guy with a heart of Gold. Truly an incredible story and an even more amazing story of redemption.
Trista Williams. Strong Recovery gets us through difficult times, and we don’t have to use as a coping skill… we can live a Beautiful Life despite trials and tribulations… and Trista shows us how beautiful Recovery can be.
Jessica Neal. National headlines on Jessica were horrible as Washington County, PA saw fentanyl overdoses explode and she was a part of that tragic story, but God intervened and she has such an incredible story of redemption and recovery. One of the most inspiring stories I’ve ever had the honor to share.
Laurice S. A story of overcoming addiction, overcoming incarceration, and coming out the other side a changed man. Not bitter, as most people would expect, but self-reflection and introspection to realize the Blessings of Life.
Wes Geer. One of the greatest guitarists; Hed PE, KORN, and now doing the most important work of his life founding, “Rock To Recovery” Wesley Geer has an impactful and inspirational tale of purpose. Passionate about others and helping people find their purpose, Wes runs one of the most motivational music programs you will ever hear.
John (Johnny) Whitaker. Gifted actor, an acclaimed TV and Film career, John Whitaker has an amazing story of Recovery and Redemption. A truly selfless man who spends his life altruistically helping and loving others.
Duane Lawder.
We recently sat down with Sober For Life Radio himself, Mr. Duane Lawder. A friend, a passionate and selfless advocate, and an example of hope to all who struggle. I am so very proud to share his story of Redemption!!!!!! Check out Sober For Life Radio
Laurie Palmer.
I’ve wanted to tell this story for years. When I met this young lady, I saw the pure resilience of a powerful Soul. Laurie is a warrior who knows the “systems” so well because she didn’t just get failed by all of them, she navigated them to gain the experience she needs to save others. She has dedicated her life to others – especially kids and communities. An AWESOME STORY!!!
Andrew Hager.
A tireless advocate, a selfless friend, a guy who defines peer support and leading by example, Andrew Hager really gets it – Recovery that is. The Recovery Army is truly honored to share this powerful story with you! From the Great State of Kentucky comes Andrew Hager LIVE!
Celia Anzalone Bowers. One of the best things that happen to me on this Journey is meeting Courageous people. Truly amazing souls who not only have an incredible story, but who selflessly try to use that story to inspire others. Celia Anzalone Bowers is one of those beautiful people. Mrs. Tennessee 2021, Celia shows how incredible a Redemption Story can be!!!!!
Darren Prince. Aiming High is the International Best Selling book Title of Darren Prince’s astonishing story – a sports and celebrity agent who battled addiction while representing some of the most iconic figures in the world. An absolutely incredible story of addiction, he hit bottom – at “The Top” – and in the process discovered the true meaning of success.
Chad Mattson. Phenomenal Christian artist, gifted musician and incredible storyteller, Chad Mattson inspires and uplifts with his story. His music , his voice and his message motivates us all. Whether you’re in recovery or love someone who is in recovery, this is a story that impacts everyone.
Bobbi Mecham. Visiting Grand Forks, North Dakota is always one of the highlights of my year, and THIS Year, was the best because of the amazing and beautiful young women I’ve ever met in Recovery. Passionate and Beautiful, inside and out, a caring and wonderful soul, and a story that has already brought hope to people seeking it.
David Vanasco. One of the best people I’ve met on this journey, and inspiring and passionate guy with a heart of gold. Truly a Recovery Champion who gives hope to others!
Bob Forrest Part 2. Part 2 of the Bob Forrest story, he takes us through his incredible Journey from addiction to sobriety and discusses what he is passionate about as America deals with this pandemic opioid crisis.
Chanda Lynn Gifted poet, passionate spoken word, Chanda Lynn has a Recovery movement that is literally changing the conversation on addiction in America. Her rallying cry to bring everyone together inspires me, and should inspire us all. a Peter Finestone / Low Blow production.
Christopher Poulos We recently sat down with an incredible National Recovery Champion and Criminal Justice Reform advocate who shared his Journey.
Justin Kunzelman An advocate, a Rebel, a leader in the Recovery movement, Justin shows us all not only why Recovery is possible, but more importantly, why it should be more of a focus than addiction.
Tommy Gunz, Spoken word and rap artist Tommy Gunz, with his powerful story of where it all began.
Sharon Leonard Every once in a while, I get to interview a dear friend, and even though I know their story, I quickly learn that I don’t fully appreciate the depths of their fight and the brilliance of their Journey.
Erica Cerda. Recovery Army had the absolute privilege to hear and now share the incredible story of an absolutely amazing woman. Erica Cerda is truly living a life of Redemption, and she brings hope to many.
Christ Schatz. A genuine soul and a very good friend, a guy that has inspired me beyond his understanding. Sometimes addiction is a very rocky journey, but Chris is a man who has overcome so much in his life and is becoming the person he was always meant to be.
Kristin Casey. Life Coach, published author and a huge advocate for Recovery, Kristin Casey shows the empowerment behind life. Her memoir, “Rock Monster” about her life with Eagle’s frontman, Joe Walsh, certainly tells an interesting tale but HER story, well, that’s a success story.
Robert Bogues. On The Road to Recovery, in Detroit, Michigan with Robert Bogues. He’s an inspirational and motivated Champion of Recovery that literally encourages so many people to find THEIR Journey to Recovery.
Rachel Guzman. What a beautiful young girl with a difficult story, yet with a beautiful ending…. and her New Life is just beginning. Powerful testimony for young Mothers, young people struggling with addiction that can give Hope to All. So proud to know this dynamic young girl!!!!!
Kellen Smith. A true inspiration and a woman that shows what it’s like to help others through her work, her dedication and her example. Kellen is someone that overcame so many challenges in addiction to accomplish so many feats in Recovery – and then dedicated her life to help others follow that path.
Phil O’Hara. One of the most dedicated and self-less guys in the entire Recovery world…. an incredible guy making a huge impact on kids, on young adults and on communities across our Great Nation! From Hazlet Hope in NJ to the RAW Recovery mission he is a part of, Phil really is making a big difference!
Kat Keenan. Of all the stories I have done, none is more personable to me than this one. Kat Keenan impacted my life in a huge way as I shot my first documentary, “Kids Are Dying” walking the streets of Camden, I met people at their worst and I’m so grateful to have watched Kat overcome so many adversities to become the amazing woman she is today, impacting the lives of other people and showing how incredible Recovery can be!
Allie Severino. Allie is one of those people with a deep soul. A women with Depth. Someone that when you hear her story, you appreciate her Recovery that much more. She is helping so many people with her Advocacy, her motivational speaking, her video content, and most of all, her example. She’s showing others that a Life in Recovery is really like a New Life!!!
Lillo Brancato. Recovery Army recently sat down with the infamous Lilo Brancato and got the chance to hear the REAL Story, the story of his purpose, and how he’s literally taken his story and begun to inspire millions of people. His story has come full circle to become his Purpose!
Darren Mulligan. One of the most gifted and anointed men I’ve ever known, gifted musician, Darren Mulligan. This guy has an incredible story and a passion for helping others, and welcoming them, with open arms, sharing the Love and Grace of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Please share this story and his incredible music with everyone you know.
Jam Alker. One of the coolest and most passionate people I’ve ever met, a gifted lyricist and musician, Jam has taken this Recovery movement to a new level. Deeply committed to helping others and sharing his inspiring music with the world, his inspiring story will inspire millions.
Brandon Novak One of the craziest modern Hollywood legends, a New York Times Best-selling author, an incredible story of recovery from addiction. The one, the only Brandon Novak.
Cindy Keefe Every once in a while, people come into your life that literally change you, uplift you and change you for the better. Cindy is one of those beautiful people. An incredible, selfless story of serving others, this is someone you will NEVER, EVER Forget
Luke Edwall Luke Edwall is a young man that epitomizes the true transformation of a man. Overcoming addiction through the Grace, Love and Mercy of Jesus Christ, a story I won’t soon forget, and neither will you.
Kyle Diehl A truly genuine young man with a genuine story of Recovery. Now a good friend, I’m grateful to share the journey of Kyle Diehl and I hope he inspires others through this video as he is inspiring others all around him, every day.
Eric Snyder Visiting one of the greatest sober living programs – GOOD WORKS – in beautiful Lancaster, PA
Grant Domeni. On the Road to Recovery a little while back in Howell, Michigan and we got to hear the amazing story of Grant Domeni…. crazily, eerily similar to mine, and at times, ya just think he’s not gonna make it…. but he does… Recovery Is KING!!!!
Whitney Judy. On the Road to Recovery with Whitney Judy. What a great story of overcoming obstacles to embrace a life of Recovery. Inspiring and uplifting… Whitney has truly encouraged me to keep telling these incredible stories.
Vaughn Crisci Such a rewarding feeling to have such a great friend, almost like a brother in Vaughn Crisci.
Aleisha Albertson. What a beautiful woman, beautiful Mother and beautiful story of overcoming the challenge of addiction and finding not only Recovery but a purpose for helping and encouraging others.
Stacey Hampton. Beautiful Voice, Beautiful Story, Beautiful Person… one of the most important people on my journey to share hope, the author of our Theme Song, Road to Recovery”, an passionate story of Hope and Love for Life…. Stacey inspires….
Michael DeLeon Recovery Army Seminars
- “Navigating through the Stages of Recovery”
- “Self-Actualizing Your Dreams and Goals”
- “Good Intentions is not Addiction Prevention “
- Peer-Leadership training
- Family Supportive Education and Mentoring
- Cultural assimilation and diversity training
- Recovery Community Events
- Peer employment / Supportive employment training
- Recovery Coach training
Steered Straight Recovery Army Community Service Base:
- A place where you can feel respected and accepted
- Provide stepping stones toward growth and maturity
- Community Integration
- Satisfaction of Community Service Hours
What are the advantages to joining the Recovery Army?
- National Platforms – Joining Voices
- Peer service and support training
- Access to Best Practice Peer resources
- Incredible stories of Recovery
- Linkage to community advocacy
- Linkage to Recovery Centers and Recovery Interventions
- Encouragement and Inspiration

For more information call:
Joining Together – The Recovery Army
It is imperative that the pharmaceutical and medical industry work together. Doctors systemically look at pain as a subjective symptom of an illness or injury. But what happens when addiction develops and becomes a REAL subjective symptom of the medication itself? The addiction must be treated, a problem the medical industry has been ill equipped to deal with!
8 Sectors for Recovery Solutions
- Pharmaceutical industry must no longer offer financial benefits to the medical industry to “push” drugs.
- Educators and school districts must embrace communities with relevant and effective strategies to assist both the student and the parent.
- Insurance companies must provide adequate treatment or access to treatment based on the individualized needs.
- Judicial systems that foster a system with continual slaps on the wrists, hoping a spiraling addict involved with crime will somehow get it together without treatment simply induces harm, costs and recidivism and is ineffective.
- Treatment providers release addicts too early, without relapse prevention or follow-up, in a week, or in a month, know the addict is not ready. This practice must change.
- Parents, who think that it’s “Not Their Kid” or in their backyard must learn about current teen drug use and teach their children from a very early age the extreme dangers of drugs and alcohol.
- Federal, State, and Local Governments and agencies must join together to discuss strategy rather than the current practice of doing so in silos.
- Community – C.U.R.E “Christians United for Recovery” – has a three prong approach to help in the community:
- Help – Street TeamResource/Transportation Team – Family Crisis Team
- Hope – 12-Step & Recovery Groups – Co-Dependent Group -Prayer Team
- Healing – Life Skills, Studies Groups, Social Connections, Outreach Groups
Yes! I want to join the Recovery Army!